Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Six Thousand Dollar Painting.

It was brought to my attention during my final critique several weeks ago with two of my instructors, that instead of churning out a bunch of "$600 paintings," I should focus my energy and make a few "$6,000 paintings." While the analogy doesn't sit well with me, and the instructor apologized several times for it, he got his message across. This is the result of condensing my efforts over the course of a week into a single piece. I started last Thursday, and finished this morning. It comes in at about 60" x 24" and consists of Latex, acrylic, sharpie, spraypaint and oil on MDF Panel. And before you ask, the answer is no...this does not actually cost six grand.

Here are a couple of detail shots:

Happy Creating to Everyone!

1 comment:

Candy said...

It is Super Wow in person. You are really getting your shit down.