Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'm Back Mutha-Uckas!

I've just emerged from one of my worst depressions in a while, which in the scheme of things is nothing compared to what a lot of my friends deal with on a daily basis. Nihilism just doesn't feel right with me. This depression coincided with an artistic lull, and by the time I got back in the studio I felt like being more experimental. This is what happened:

"Christ Died for Your Chocolate"
here are some details:

This is a large scale (about 2 x 5 feet?)  multimedia piece consisting of acrylic, latex, bubble wrap, charcoal, chalk pastel, polyurethane, spray paint, and a milk chocolate flavored cross. This last bit seemed super sacrilegious when I saw it at the local Dollar Tree, so I bought two. Feeling blasphemous after having listened to the audio version of Richard Dawkins' "The God Delusion," and watching various documentaries featuring Dawkins,  I felt like the time was right to use it. 

This is, as you may have noticed, a break from my more recent work. I think it will be to my advantage to not box myself into a "style" at 22.

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