Sunday, November 30, 2008


I am now confronted with a task. Not a great task. But, a task that really irritates me. Copying pictures for art classes. I know there is a time and place for this, but it is seriously not in an upper level printmaking course. As a final assignment, I am supposed to copy a Rembrandt Etching-  The Three Trees. 

On other fronts, I've decided that it really isn't necessary to finish reading a book before writing a review of it. Especially if it's boring. 

Also, I'm done with my graphic short story. As soon as I make a cover and scan it, I'll post it up here.

And onward I go into the dark cover of sleep just before Monday Morning is here. Oh Joy.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

And In the Beginning...

For those who have been to college while holding down a job, you know it sucks. Running on autopilot the last several weeks just trying to get stuff done before more is assigned, I somehow missed the little detail that the monotype project I was working on for my Printmaking class was supposed to be based on a piece of literature. Funny. Realizing this was realizing I had wasted two Saturday nights, and several weekday afternoons working out ideas for the project. Starting over, I realized it was maybe more fortunate that I had to go back to the drawing  board, because what I was working on was seriously leading me nowhere useful. Basing the monotype series on "The Story of Susanna" in the Apocrypha (not by my choice) ended up being a little fun. I used a bunch of stencils for the series, which took me fooorrrreeeevvverrr to cut. But, that's a different story for a different day.

Here are a couple of the monotypes. They probably  measure around 20" x 30" or so-On Rives Heavyweight Paper.